Madrid, 2023-2024
Francisco de Vitoria University
Master Degree
TV and Radio Production.
I began this new stage on October 18th, 2023. I am very pleased with the high-level subjects and professors, all professionals in the Radio and Television industry. It is exciting to explore my creativity and curiosity in current affairs, political, social, and cultural topics in two media that are so immediate and relevant, Radio and Television. Moreover, it is a practical master's program almost entirely, allowing me to be firsthand inside the studios and control rooms, using various technical equipment and control panels in live simulations.
Toronto, 2019-2020
Centennial College
Postgraduate Degree
Film and Television Business.
It was a postgraduate program in Film and Television Business, highly focused on the film and television industry in Canada. We explored different methods of selecting a profitable project, forming a production team, creating a budget, pitching the idea to various sponsors, securing funding and incentives, all within the parameters of the law and maintaining a production folder.
México, 2014-2017
Anáhuac University
Bachelor Degree
I have always been interested in acting and film, but I had to pursue a Bachelor's degree, so I chose the one that was closest to the film industry. This was the Bachelor's degree in Communication, which allowed me to specialize in Film Production. I must admit it was the best choice. I was a very passionate and dedicated student in all subjects and in the various media we explored. I was an active member of the Student Society in Communication and graduated with my head held high and much joy, with a short film that I wrote and produced with my classmates, and that was awarded in multiple festivals inside and outside of Mexico.